Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Nothing to see here, just democrats being spineless and gutless

The democrats, what a spineless and gutless bunch.  They all voted for the war in Iraq and when they were challenged on it by the media, they said they were given false information by Bush Jr.  Funny, I knew back then that Iraq had nothing to do with Iraq and that it was all our friends in Saudi Arabia that planned, funded and carried out the attacks on 9-11.

Then we somehow elected a democrat as president who served two terms and is still one of the most favorable presidents according to polls. Yet, Donald Trump, a trust fund kid who was given millions of dollars and access to his dad's very successful real estate empire and failed  by bankrupting companies not once, twice, three times, but five times was elected president.  Why shouldn't we make a trust fund kid president after all, it worked so well the last time we did that under Bush Jr when every bank and auto company failed and president Obama saved them and brought them back to profitability.

Well now we have Trump as president and are hearing the same lines from republicans that we heard under Bush Jr, that's its un-American to be critical of a president, even though those same republicans were critical of both Bill Clinton and had him impeached for lying about affairs  and having them at the same time.  Those same republicans who said that  Barack Obama doesn't meet the requirements to be president since he wasn't born here, even though he was born in Hawaii.  The funny thing is that Obama didn't even need to be born here since his mother was.  This was why Ted Cruz was qualified to be president.  Both had one parent who was born here.  But no democrat challenged Ted Cruz's credentials to be president.

Now we have Donald Trump as president and one of the requirements for a president is to release his or her tax returns to see if there are any conflicts of interests.  Guess who never released his tax returns.  The man who made Obama releases his birth certificate, Donald Trump.  Yet democrats left the argument and Trump never released his tax returns.  

There are two reasons why Trump didn't release his tax returns and they are, he's lying about his income and doesn't have anywhere near the money he claims to have and two the money he does have is invested in Russia which is why he said over and over he will drop the Russian sanctions (that and Putin got him elected by hacking emails.)  Yet no democrat asked for investigations on this.   In fact only John McCain a republican is making this an issue.  Now we have Trump banning Muslims from traveling here.  But not all Muslims.  The only Muslims that are banned from coming here are from Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Libya and Sudan.  The other Muslims from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt are still allowed to come here, even though those are the countries that the 9-11 hijackers came from.  Yet the only criticism I hear is from John McCain and Lindsey Graham.  The democrats have left with their tails between their legs.

Now we have Trump's making up his cabinet and democrats started making a stink.  We have Betsy DeVos who has never sent her kids to public school and when asked about giving services to kids with disabilities she said its "up to the states" even though its a requirement for schools that get money to provide those services.  

Trump's next two picks prove his wants to return America to how it was under Bush Jr when the auto companies and banks were failing and Americans were losing 500K jobs a month.  We have Rex Tillerson who was the CEO of Exxon and is personal friends with Putin.  Why shouldn't he get approved, after all, Donald Trump wants to be friends with Putin and China already make  red hats?  Now all Trump must do is get them to write "making Russia great again."  Tillerson will fight for America to get off of alternative fuel and become once again addicted to oil so oil will go back to $150 a barrel, where it was under Bush Jr.

I find it amazing that no democrat made a point about Trump's hats being made in China or he fact that Trump has hired more illegals than any businessperson in the country.  Trump's next pick proves once again that he wants another economic crisis because he made Steven Mnuchin who singlehandedly  caused the economic crisis of 2009 was named Secretary of the Treasury.

My bet is that the spineless democrats will switch sides and all of Trump’s choices for his cabinet and Supreme Court will get pushed through.  Even though the republicans never even gave Merrick Garland, Obama’s pick for Supreme Court
Never got a hearing.  You might ask why the media isn’t reporting on all these conflicts of interest?  Because they’re covering the Real Housewives. 

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