Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Why the Keystone Pipeline creating jobs is a pipe dream

President Trump needs a lesson in supply and demand.  When you add too much supply the price of  the product or commodity falls.  Lets take oil because of president Trump executive order for a Canadian company to build a pipeline across America that will transport Canadian oil to China.  First off how does this benefit America?  It doesn’t.

What happened to oil when we started opening up oil drilling in America and Alaska under Obama?  Oil went down from $150 a barrel where it was under Bush Jr  to $50 where it is today.  So drilling more oil out of the ground and sand actually adds too much supply and thus decreases its price.

What will happen when the pipeline is up and transporting the oil from Canada to Mexico?  Here’s what will happen.  Oil prices will fall even further leading oil drillers to stop drilling and shutting jobs down.  So in actuality the Keystone pipeline is actually a job killer.

Here’s what President Trump must do instead of creating an oil pipeline that will lower oil prices and then cause massive layoffs in oil sector.  He must sign an executive order to repair bridges and tunnels in this country that are falling apart. Obama tried to do this, but republicans stopped him. This will create long term employment.  He must tell Canada to forget its pipeline which is a pipe dream job killer.

We need to learn from OPEC if we want to play in the oil production business.  When oil falls below $60 OPEC knows it’s no longer worth it to drill.  So they stop drilling.  Oil majors know that they only make money when oil is $60.  So adding more supply when oil is about $60 will only cause oil majors to stop drilling leaving us with an empty pipeline.

Instead of drilling more when oil prices are low, we need to stop drilling and wait until prices go up and there’s a reason to drill.  The oil that comes from Canada is extracted from sand, which is more expensive than drilling from the ground.  This is why the republican idea that Keystone Pipeline creating jobs here is a pipe dream.

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