Monday, November 14, 2016

Bill DeBlasio won't win another term as Mayor of the City of NY and guess who will be elected?

First off, let me say, I told you so.  I told anyone who would listen that Donald Trump would be elected president.  I hear you blaming republicans right now for voting for Trump.  But most republicans have one thing in common.  With the exception of Rich Russo and Jerry Della Femina who I know Voted for Hillary Clinton, they will vote for any republican, even Stalin over any democrat.  Russo started a group Hillary Haters for Hillary choosing 4 years of regret over lifetime of remorse.  But really the fault of having Trump as president rests with you whiny liberals, who said if Bernie Sanders doesn't get nominated I’m either not voting or voting for a third party candidate.  You guys who voted for Ralph Nader over Al gore or didn’t vote at all but wondered why Al Gore lost.  Well thank you idiots, you did it again and now Donald Trump will be  president.  You guys are like Pavlov's Dog making the same mistake time after time.   Feel free to de-friend me on Facebook.

I know, I know, I hear many of you cheering after reading the headline.  But before the city organizes a ticker tape parade, let me just show what Bill DeBlasio has done as mayor of the City of NY.   Pre-K for All was a great program that we were able to take advantage of with my daughter going to PS145, which is a great school that has little to no funding thanks to a segregated city. The Mayor’s New Equity and Excellence plan offers AP classes, algebra and computer science to all students. 94 schools have been turned around under the Renewal Schools program, and citywide, the graduation rate rose to over 70% for the class of 2015.

Overall crime is down 5.8% over the past two years. 2015 saw the third fewest number of murders on record in our city’s history - and the safest summer in 20 years.   Mayor DeBlasio  secured the first ever rent freeze for more than 40,000 units of affordable housing, and saved affordable housing for nearly 7,400 working families living in Stuy-Town and Riverton. 

In 2014, Paid Sick Leave became available for more than 500,000 New Yorkers, the Mayor announced a $15 minimum wage for 50,000 City workers and six weeks of paid parental leave for 20,000 City workers. Along with that, New York City’s unemployment rate is currently 4.8%, the lowest since 2007, and since 2014, more than 220,000 jobs were created - the largest two year gain ever.

The Mayor’s policies have helped over 22,000 homeless New Yorkers move from shelter to permanent housing and over 91,000 New Yorkers have been served by the City’s preventative services. In December 2015, HOME-STAT was created to directly counsel street homeless New Yorkers. To continue homeless prevention, Mayor DeBlasio has to continue homeless prevention, Mayor de Blasio has committed to a record 15,000 units of supportive housing and created first ever shelter repair squad to address shelter violations. 30 encampments were permanently cleared out as well.

Over the past two years, Mayor de Blasio’s administration has reinvested in our NYCHA communities by repairing Sandy damage, installing new security cameras and lighting, and budgeting $300 million to replace moldy roofs.
In November 2015, under the leadership of Deputy Mayor Richard Buery and First Lady Chirlane McCray, the de Blasio administration launched ThriveNYC, a comprehensive municipal program to combat mental illness which is why many New Yorkers are homeless in the first place.  Ronald Reagan in the 1980's shut down places that mentally ill people would get treatment and the result was lots more homeless people.  Even veterans were left homeless. Vision Zero helped drive down road fatalities down another 9% this past year, making 2015 the safest year on New York City roads since 1910. Approximately 2,200 lane miles have been repaved, more than at any point since 1991, and over 965,000 potholes have been filled since the start of the administration.

Yeah de Blasio really sucks.  But the real reason that people aren't fond of Bill DeBlasio, isn't the result of something he did, but something he said.  He said he son who is black, would have a greater chance of getting stopped by a cop than a white person.  When DeBlasio made those comments his approval ratings, which was high plummeted and he got in the crosshairs of the  Police Commissioner and policemen and women.  

Now here's where people might start hating me even more.  When DeBlasio loses, Donald Trump Jr. will become mayor of NY.  Why not?  He has the money of his dad, the support of many NY republicans and the arrogance of his dad.  Does he have any substance?  Any ideas on how to make things better?  No but why should that matter?  It didn’t matter for his dad who was just elected president.  His dad’s big plan was to bring jobs.  Much better paying jobs and make America great again, but didn’t say how.  Well why can’t his son using his dad’s money, arrogance (and the support of at least one maybe two TV network if his dad starts a TV network).  I have the slogan for him already, “We’re going to make NY great.”

So before you blast Bill DeBlasio, look at what’s he’s accomplished as mayor of NYC, or we can have another Donald Trump as mayor, governor or maybe even president.

1 comment:

  1. We are 100% in agreement, we support Big Bill too, & we need to make NYC a total sanctuary city including CUNY. With deep love & respect, Joe & Kathy
