Thursday, July 21, 2016

I'm supporting Ted Cruz's decision not to endorse Trump

During the republican convention most republicans supported Donald Trump even though most are against the racist rhetoric that comes out of his mouth.  Forget the fact that Trump made money in construction, hotels and bars and restaurants, fields dominated by illegals.  Trump was also recently reprimanded for hiring illegal polish workers.

Ronald Reagan, champion of the republicans party supported giving immigrants a pathway to citizenship and even supported tougher gun laws.  Why is it okay for Trump to be a total hypocrite?  If Trump deport 11-20 million Mexicans that would put a strain of businesses that's never been seen before. Could you imagine the strain it would put on all construction sites, agricultural companies and bars and restaurants if they had to fire all their illegal workers.  This would put this country into a depression not a recession.  Trump knows this, which is why he probably hired more illegals than anyone in the country. 

Trump is trying to pander to the lowest common denominator to get elected.  He's trying to use hate, and anger to win an election.  It isn't a Mexicans fault that some of his supporters don't have jobs or earn less than they think they should.  It’s the employer’s fault for hiring those that are not legally here.  If illegals weren't given jobs by top American companies, they would come here.

I keep hearing from republicans that they don't support what Trump says but will vote for him anyway.  This is just stupid.  Why elect someone you don't like just because he's running as a republican.  This is why I'm supporting Ted Cruz's decision not to endorse Trump.  

Ted Cruz said, "I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father.  He went up on stage and said ""Don't stay home in November," Cruz said toward the end of his otherwise very well-received speech. "Stand and speak and vote your conscience."  After that his wife needed a police escort out of the convention.  Stay classy republicans.   

I don't support much of Ted Cruz's rhetoric, but by not endorsing Trump like the other sheep, I can commend Cruz for this.  

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