Saturday, March 7, 2015

Problem with Benjamin Netanyahu speaking here before he's re-elected

Benjamin Netanyahu is up for re-election  and if he doesn't win  having him speak here is of little importance. If the republicans really wanted to accomplish something they should have waited until after Benjamin Netanyahu is re-elected.    If Netanyahu doesn't win re-election it will be a major embarrassment for republicans. 

This is what Netanyahu said about in 2002, – “If You Take Out Saddam, I Guarantee, It Will Have Enormous Positive Reverberations on the Region” really because Mr. Netanyahu we took out Saddam and many could argue that things are worse now with ISIS controlling the region. As Bush Jr said Iraqis might "rise up." The problem with Iraqis is that they don't rise up and let anyone no matter how bad they are take control. 

We need to let Iraq take care of Iraq and deal with our own problems including failing infrastructure and a drug war we're losing. Instead of stupid pipeline which won't create jobs (it will end them in the rail industry) and if oil gets cheaper, it will end jobs with oil drillers who only make money when oil is $60. I'm not a pot smoker, but legalizing pot both medical and recreationally would create lots of tax money like its doing in colorado. And infrastructure improvements would create long term job and probably lower the unemployment rate.

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