Friday, September 30, 2016

Was Ronald Reagan a democrat?

Republicans would like us to believe that Trump handled himself well during the debate, which is completely a lie.  Trump was sniffling; he had red eyes and couldn't make a single point. He looked like a college student making a speech who had been binge drinking the night before.   Later he said he should have brought up Bill Clinton's affairs (this is from Trump who cheated on every one of his wives).  Trump has given us no plan on how he will deport 11-20 million Mexicans and build this wall.  As we've learned from history, walls don't keep people out.  The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall didn't keep people out.  He was given us no idea on how much it will cost tax payers to implement his plans and no idea on how much it will hurt construction, agriculture and bars and restaurants to have their low line workers deported.  You go to any construction, food company and bars and restaurants and you’ll find all the workers doing the grunt work for very low pay are Mexicans or illegals from somewhere else like Poland in the case of Trump Tower.  Instead of promising to find and deport them, Trump should focus on ways to keep them here and make them legal.  

Ron Reagan was discussing this when he was president.  He said,  I think the time has come that the United States and our neighbors—particularly our neighbor to the south—should have a better understanding and a better relationship than we've ever had. But I think that we haven't been sensitive enough to our size, and our power," Reagan said.
"Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don't we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and then, while they're working and earning here, they pay taxes here?," Reagan said.
When did Republicans start hating Ron Reagan?  Ronald Reagan was for a waiting period to buy guns, and he was an NRA member.  Reagan also supported making Mexicans legal something republicans are against.  I guess either Reagan wasn’t a republican or today’s republicans aren’t what Reagan envisioned the republican party was all about.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Does the media have a conservative bias?

Does the media have a conservative bias? Daily we hear about Hillary Clinton deleting 30,000 emails, but rarely do we hear that Bush had Karl Rove delete over 22 million emails. From 2003 to 2009 the bush team deleted 22 millions, which allegedly included information about false claims about the Iraqi war, claims about Iraq having WMD which were false and the firing of US attorneys for political payback, which would make Chris Christie's Bridge Gate look like child's play.  We just learned that President Trump's senior staff used a private email server, a fact largely ignored by the news media.

Now we hear that Trump Strategist Stephen Bannon says the media should keep its mouth shut.  This is the same Bannon who for 8 years wrote critical articles on Obama and democrats in Breitbart News,  a far-right American news, opinion and commentary website founded in 2007 by conservative commentator and entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart. Also the Fox News pundits like Bill O'Reilly repeatitally said that its un-American to write critical things of a sitting president when Bush Jr was president but apparently forgot that when Obama was President.

Donald Trump is now being critical of people protesting Trump policies, but wasn’t it Theodore Roosevelt who said “Patriotism means to stand by the country.  It does not mean to stand by the president."

Republicans didn't allow Obama to appoint anyone to the Supreme Court and Ted Cruz said they won't allow Clinton to do it either.  This is unprecedented and barely reported on by the "liberal media."  The media should be taking republicans to the woodshed for this, but the won't because then they'd be called "liberally biased."  So they ignore how Obama wasn't given the chance to appoint anyone to the Supreme Court and Hillary if she wins won't be able to either.

CNN hires Tara Setmayer and former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. MSNBC hires radio host Hugh Hewitt, GOP consultant Steve Schmidt and former RNC chairman Michael Steele and even puts an ad out with the line, "People might start accusing us of leaning too far to the right."

The "liberal media" reports on Bengnazi daily, even though they barely reported on Beirut when 260 men were killed under Ron Reagan or the 60 Americans who were killed in embassy attacks under Bush. No republican, democrat or media member called for hearings on Beirut or embassy attacks under Bush.   The liberal media barely report on the 22 million emails that disappeared under Bush Jr but report on Hillary's missing 33K emails daily. Maybe instead of calling them liberally biased media they call the media inept.

Speaking of being inept, isn't that what Trump's plans for battling terrorists are?  Recently he banned those living in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from traveling here.  But the problem with that ban is that none of those country's citizen's have killed an American since 1975. The same can't be said for those who are from Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon who have been involved in every terror attack against America since 1975.  I guess Trump has some conflict of interest investments with Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon otherwise why wouldn't he have banned travel from those countries which have had citizens who carried not terror attacks against America.  What's even more shocking is no member of the media has asked that question of Trump or anyone on his cabinet.

The media should be asking why Trump  banned those living in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from traveling here but didn't ban those who are from Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon who have been involved in every terror attack against America since 1975 from coming here? The media should also ask why Donald Trump wants to lift sanctions against Russia?  John McCain is asking why Trump wants to lift sanctions against Russia, but the answer should be obvious to the media.  Putin the President of Russia helped get Trump elected and in return Trump will lift sanctions against Russia.  Also Trump has business involvements in terror-supporting countries like Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon which is why he hasn't banned travel from those countries.  Why isn't the media asking those questions?  Oh yeah, there's reality TV for them to cover.  Even Dick Cheney condemns President Trumps muslim travel ban, saying it "goes against everything we stand for."

Thursday, September 1, 2016

This is how to save public schools

I was walking on West 84th and saw a group of teens acting out. I was wondering where they went to school. After further investigation I discovered they go to Louis D. Brandeis High School, a school that takes in some of the city's most disadvantaged students. Shockingly after more research, I found out the school struggles and will be closed very soon. My question is when will the city realize that grouping up poor disadvantaged students isn't going to help them succeed? It will just increase the performance gap in the city.

Ruby Bridges recently celebrated her 62nd birthday. Ruby Bridges became the first African American child to desegregate an all-white elementary school in the South. While we've made some strides in this country regarding segregation in public schools, more than 65,000 students in the Bronx are in failing schools. There are more than that number of students who are in failing schools in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens.  What's happening is black and spanish students are being shut out of getting a quality education because of their economic  level.  To add to the problems our mayor wants to close charter schools which are the only option for kids in underserved schools.  

The problem is that schools in New York City are separated by race and not equal. Michael Mulgrew, President of the United Federation of Teachers, when you de-segregate public schools then you can bash charter schools.  Maybe we need to re-visit Brown vs Board of education and force schools to accept more minority students that live nearby.  This solution was discussed in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal on August 28.

This is in response of Michael Mulgrew's Be Our Guest column on March 18, 2016.  Its shocking that even though schools were desegregated in the 1960's, it still exists and it exists in Manhattan, one of the most diverse cities in the nation and the world.  The worst examples of this are PS145, which is almost entirely black and Spanish, where as P.S. 199 on West 70th Street has scores twice as high as the city average and most money than most schools combined. The majority of the students at PS 199 are white. Yet P.S. 191 has the complete opposite make up and their test scores are far below the city average mainly because of the disparity of money between PS 199 and PS 191.

The same disparity in race can be seen in PS 84 Lillian Webber which has 60% population of black and Spanish and only 35% white, yet the school around the corner PS 333 has 64% white 27% black and Spanish.  One might ask why two schools, PS 84 and PS 333 have such different racial make ups, and the answer lies is PS 84 accepts all students and PS 333 has a lottery which is closed to the public so they can pic and choose the students that attend their school without any oversight.   You might expect a school named after ‪#‎BookerTWashington, who was an African American educator, author, orator, and advisor to presidents of the United States, between 1890 and 1915, ‪#‎btwhspva to have at least the same amount of black students as white students, but just like others in zone 3, the school, MS54, located on West 107th street has 65% white students and only 10% black and 14% Hispanic students ‪#‎D3equity‪#‎D3equityineducation.  This is also true about schools below 95th Street on the Upper East side, which are all white.

Natalie Russo, the principal of ‪#‎PS145 put together a great panel on the lack of diversity in Manhattan's district 3 public schools. Michael Alves, Controlled Choice Pioneer, Lisa Donlan, District 1 Parent Leader, Rene Kathawala District 3 parent leader, Clara Hemphill Inside Schools Editor and Kim Watkins, Community Education Council district 3 were very informative. Also thank you to Councilmen Mark Levine for attending. 

Dr. Russo is nice enough to select students from anywhere in zone 3, even students who were zoned for PS 87 but weren't given a spot there.  But when those students leave pre K they go to PS 87, PS 452, PS009 the same schools that didn't have a spot for them in pre k, leaving Dr, Russo's school, PS 145 under its capacity and therefore not entitled to certain funds.  The ironic thing now is that PS 87, PS 87, PS 452, PS009 aren't even selecting some students for kindergarten who were zoned for those schools and therefore they need to either attend PS191, a low funded school or forget going to public school. I suggest those students remain at PS145 and help Dr. Russo get the funds she needs to improve the school. 

You have schools like PS199, PS333, PS87 and PS452 that accept few if any black and spanish schools, so those minority students are put into low performing school like PS145 (which is a great school for pre k but then when students leave after Pre K the school loses money and the students suffer), PS 191 (a terrible school), PS185.  What needs to happen is that schools like  PS199, PS333, PS87 and PS452 need to de-segregate and if they can't do it on their own, the city should take all funds designated to those schools that have donors who have given those schools millions and give the money to schools that need it.

My solution is to ban donations to a specific school like PS199, PS333, PS87 and PS452 and evenly distribute the money to every NYC school.  Schools should all get the same money no matter where they are.  That's what public education means.

Another solution would be to revisit Brown Vs Board of Education and allow black and spanish students from schools like PS191, PS185 etc to enroll in schools like PS199, PS333, PS87 and PS452.