Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How to save public schools.

First off, Bill DeBlasio didn't create the performance gap between public schools in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Upper East side Below 96th street and the upper west side below 89th street to their counterparts on the upper east and west sides above 96th Street etc.  The gap was created by certain schools in desirable locations getting more funding and thus their students getting better grades.  This has been going on since Rudy Giuliani was mayor and even before that.

I have been in support of mayor Bill BeBlasio campaign for public pre k and was able to put my daughter into the program.  He did a great job with the public pre k system and it will give my daughter the necessary skills to go to kindergarten.  When my son was met daughter's age there was no public pre k for all.  But,  Bill DeBlasio's desire to punish charter schools doesn't make sense to me.  Charter Schools give students who live in less desirable locations the chance to get the same education as those who live in the richest neighborhoods in nyc.  If you want to get rid or punish charter schools then you must make the lower performing less desirable schools better, which isn't happening in fact its getting worse.

There is a common sense solution.  If you want to donate to schools your donation should be put into a general school fund and then the money raised should be given to each school equally.  Also tax money shouldn't all go to the public schools in rich areas, it should be distributed equally to each public school no matter the location.  If parents have the money to donate tens of thousands of dollars to their kids well funded school, they can afford to send their kids to private schools.